What would make the most helpful Civilization 7 Review?
Good Morning Civ Homies!
I'm going to begin the process of putting together my review of Civilization 7 this evening so it's ready for the 3rd and I want to try to make sure it covers what folks are actually looking for. I've seen quite a few folks around the community say that they will be using the reviews to inform their decision whether or not they purchase the game and I want to try to take that seriously and make sure my review can be a helpful part of that decision.
I've never reviewed a video game before so I suppose I'm wondering, what would your ideal review of Civilization 7 contain? How would it be structured? What questions do you feel you need answers to before settling on a purchase decision? There are no limits to the gameplay content or length of the review so their is a nice canvas to work right from the beginning.
At the end of the day my review will be a collection of my opinions and folks should be checking out multiple reviews from different sources, however I at least want people who will be using reviews to find value in them.
Anyways, if there's anything you feel should be in a Civilization 7 review if you leave it in the comments I'll at least have a starting point to structure it from when I get started!
Thanks friends! May your navigable rivers never be filled with enemy ships ♥️