Pre-100Million Downloads Appreciation Live Broadcast!
Hey everyone!
I am pretty sure everyone saw the stream announcement, and won't be able to sleep for the next few days out of excitement, we are finally here! Now hype aside, we all know how drastically the meta could change with an EX release. So we thought it's a good idea to create a baseline before the release of the next unit, which is likely to be Gear 5 Luffy, the biggest release up to date. And then we curiously wait and see the madness his kit will bring upon us! Anyway let's get into it!
For attackers, we wanted to space them out more, and make it clear which units can navigate the meta with ease, and which are advantageous but not exactly synonymous with playing without thinking.
First thing, while Uta is still great, we thought there is a room for distinction between her and the top two in the game and wanted to isolate them in the top, so she went down by a tier, right next to EX Luffy. Both Nami and MF Shanks need some strategic gameplan so we decided to lower them a bit. Finally Ulti, Doffy and Ulti were moved downward, Doffy just doesn't offer anything special anymore, but he's still great. Ulti has less attackers to prey on, and Robin can't do anything Klaw most of the time.
Killer is very useful in this runner-heavy meta, we thought tier 2 is appropriate for him as an initial placement! Roger was advance since he deals well with Klaw and the new Uta!
I do not think that anyone would argue against Klaw being the best runner unit we have as of now. The only department we concluded they lack on was mobility, which leaves some room for Hybrid Kaido and King being up there, as they changed the name of the game with their insane mobility capabilities.
Marco was move aboved Yamato, with less immobilizing status effects, more knockbacks, and less Shanks, we thought Marco is more consistent. HJ is one unit we talked about a lot, in a world where states are not removable he would have been tier 1, but we placed him in tier 2 since Olin and Zoro are so common. Also today we ended up removing Orobi, Olin's and Uta's ability to fill the treasure while enemies are inside of it makes orobi's push back strategy less effective, but kudos to her, she is even older than akainu, but had a lengthy run in our top 15 while just being a step up! My personal favorite unit in the game. We also heard your criticism and included Usopp in the list since many were fans of his kit.
We had a hard time making this one, the reason being..the meta is filled with anti-defenders traits and threats. Many defenders hold their own against a considerable portion of them but end up useless against certain others. So overall, the class struggles and is inconsistent.
Our newest addition was none other than the 2nd version of Uta. I have been maining her ever since she got released and I have been very impressed. She has three noticeable weakness to be mindful of. First, unless you land your counter, you are so vulnerable, so that's your priority! Second thing, her normals aren't great in removing king off the flag, so you'll struggle removing him. And finally and unfortunately just FR Shanks.
With Klaw's kit, defenders that have knockbacks on normals became more valuable, so both Zephyr and Beckman moved up the list. On the other hand, defenders that depend on their treasure gauge being above 80% to activate their traits took a hit, mainly Brook and Jinbei </3. Kaido suffers less compared to them cuz his treasure goes up to 150% and that buys him some time before he loses his traits. But overall we'll be honest we need your input on the defenders list! What are some stuff you disagree with?
That's all we got for you all! Good luck on your summons this week!